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Healthy Joe's - Personal Training
Healthy Joe's Performance - Strength & Conditioning
Joe Petherwick - Personal Trainer and Strength & Conditioning Coach

Hiya, I'm Joe.


I'll keep this brief because I know you're probably in a rush, pushed for time and got to be somewhere to do something...sound about right? I get it, I've been there too, trying to achieve that difficult work/life balance whilst still making time to care for your own mental and physical health. 


I've been training for nearly 30 years and am a qualified Personal Trainer and Strength and Conditioning Coach. But more importantly, I worked as a Senior Manager in the Financial Services industry for over a decade where 50-60 hour weeks were the norm, so I have a real understanding of how challenging it can be to juggle work and family life (with young children), whilst trying to keep yourself healthy, happy and sane. I know that this pressure isn't just limited to people in paid employment, being a full-time parent or carer can be equally demanding (if not more so, because your shift never ends!).

Real world problems require realistic solutions from someone who has been through a similar experience. I provide proper structure, coaching and accountability which leads to consistency...and consistency leads to results.


Whether you're a seasoned athlete or a new starter trying to get going, I'd love to help you achieve your goals, even if that's just becoming a healthier and happier version of you. Give me a shout, and let's have a chat about how I can help you.

See you soon!

Joe Petherwick



Level 4 - Strength & Conditioning Coach

Level 3 - Personal Trainer

Level 2 - Gym Instructor


Healthy Joe's specialisms:

Functional movement & fitness

Cardiovascular fitness

Muscular development

Strength development

Sport & event specific performance training

Nutritional guidance

Habit & lifestyle change

Fat loss

Body transformations



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